
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cover Page

Group number : M/4

 Group Subject: Civil Aviation Environmental Protection


Group members and topics:

Erkut Tatlısu

“VOLUME 1; Aicraft Noise Definitions and Chapter 1”

Damla Benli

“Noise Measurement Point - Max Noise Level”

Zeynep Avcı

“Reference Atmospheric Conditions”

Faruk Muktar

“Emission Certification-Controlled Emissions”

Helin Uysal

“Volume2: Aircraft Engine Emissions-Symbols”

Farha Ahmed

“Information Shown in Certification-Cancel Noise Certification”

Oğuzhan İleri

“Icao Environmental Protection Programme”



Friday, May 22, 2015

Oğuzhan İleri



Improving the environmental performance of aviation is a challenge ICAO takes very seriously. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Organization developed a range of standards, policies and guidance material for the application of integrated measures to address aircraft noise and engine emissions embracing technological improvements, operating procedures, proper organization of air traffic, appropriate airport and land-use planning, and the use of market-based options.

All of this has contributed to aircraft operations that today can be 70% more efficient than in the 1970s.

In 2004, ICAO adopted three major environmental goals, to:

a. limit or reduce the number of people affected by significant aircraft noise;

b. limit or reduce the impact of aviation emissions on local air quality; and

c. limit or reduce the impact of aviation greenhouse gas emissions on the global climate.

The ICAO Council also adopted Strategic Objectives, with high priority given to environmental protection, while the new Business Plan asserts the Organization's status as the leading international organization pursuing unified and coordinated measures to reduce civil aviation's impact on the environment.

ICAO's activities in the environment field are primarily focused on those problems that benefit most from a common co-ordinated approach, on a worldwide basis, namely aircraft noise and the impact of aircraft engine emissions.

Most of this work is undertaken through the ICAO Council's Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP), which consists of Members and Observers from States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations representing aviation industry and environmental interests.

A Consolidated Statement of continuing policies and practices related to environmental protection is revised and updated by the Council every three years for adoption by the ICAO Assembly. The present version were adopted in October 2013.

ICAO maintains close relations with other UN policy-making bodies that have expressed an interest in civil aviation, notably with the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to which it provides regular statements on ICAO's emission-related activities.


In 2010, the 37th Session of the ICAO Assembly reaffirmed the responsibility of ICAO and its Member States to achieve maximum compatibility between the safe and orderly development of civil aviation and the quality of the environment. It focused the Organization’s efforts in this regard on three environmental goals:

• To limit or reduce the number of people affected by significant aircraft noise.

• To limit or reduce the impact of aviation emissions on local air quality.

• To limit or reduce the impact of aviation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on the global climate.

This mandate is carried out by ICAO’s Air Transport Bureau, which oversees the activities of the Organization’s Environment Branch and Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) – a recognized international forum of environmental experts from both the regulatory and industry sectors.

The ICAO Council reviews and adopts CAEP recommendations. It informs and provides recommendations to the ICAO Assembly, which meets every three years to establish policies on all aviation matters including aviation environmental protection. The Organization also produces complementary studies, reports, manuals, and circulars on the subject of aviation and the environment.

With respect to ICAO’s work on aircraft noise, the ICAO Balanced Approach policy for noise management provides the framework under which States can address noise issues around their airports. In recent years the CAEP has been conducting a thorough review of new technologies available for the reduction of noise at source, undertaking substantial work on the environmental and economic impacts of adopting more stringent noise certification standards. This work culminated in consensus agreement during the CAEP/9 meeting in February 2013 to recommend a new Chapter 14 Noise Standard which is 7 EPNdB below ICAO’s current limit.

On the issue of local air quality improvement, ICAO has already adopted regulatory Standards for the certification of nitrogen oxide (NO x ), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbons (HC). A great deal of new information is also now becoming available in the field of particulate matter (PM) and its impacts, which will potentially lead to the development of a new standard in this area.

Climate change was the main focus of the environment-related deliberations at the 37th Assembly and it was noted that, to reduce international aviation CO 2 emissions and promote sustainable aviation growth, a comprehensive approach would be necessary. This is where the Organization’s efforts have been focused since 2010, progressing work on the development of a “basket” of measures which includes technological standards, operational measures, alternative fuels, and market-based measures. Very positive results have been achieved on all fronts.

I look forward to seeing how the 38th Assembly will respond to these outcomes, and especially to the new priorities and roadmap it will set for the international aviation community on all matters relating to aviation environmental protection.

Boubacar Djibo

Director, Air Transport Bureau (ATB)


ICAO has developed a methodology to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions from air travel for use in offset programmes.

The ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator allows passengers to estimate the emissions attributed to their air travel. It is simple to use and requires only a limited amount of information from the user.

The methodology applies the best publicly available industry data to account for various factors such as aircraft types, route specific data, passenger load factors and cargo carried.

The Carbon Calculator is additionally available in the Apple App Store as an iPhone and iPad aplication

Press here to calculate carbon footprint


ICAO Environmental Report 2013-Aviation and Climate Change

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Farha Ahmed



Aircraft noise was already of concern during the formative years of ICAO, but it was then limited to the noise caused by propellers whose tips rotated at speeds approaching that of sound. This concern increased with the introduction of the first generation jet aeroplanes in the early 1960s and accelerated with the growth in the number of jet aircraft in international operations.

Aircraft noise is a function, among other things, of the power of the engines that propel aeroplanes through the atmosphere. Reduce the power and you reduce noise, but at the same time you may affect the safety characteristics of the jet aircraft

Aircraft built today have to meet noise certification requirements as set by the certificating authorities. For most states they are based on Certification Standards adopted by the Council of ICAO. These are contained in Annex 16, Environmental Protection, Volume 1, Aircraft Noise to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. 

The prime purpose of noise certification is to ensure that the latest available noise reduction technology is incorporated into aircraft design demonstrated by procedures which are relevant to day to day operations, to ensure that noise reduction offered by technology is reflected in reductions around airport.


In 1968, the ICAO Assembly adopted a resolution which conceded the seriousness of noise in the vicinity of airports, and instructed the ICAO Council to establish international specifications and associated guidance material to control aircraft noise. In 1971, the Assembly adopted another resolution recognizing the adverse environmental impact that may be related to aircraft activity. This resolution placed on ICAO the responsibility to guide the development of international civil aviation in such a manner as to benefit the people of the world and to achieve maximum compatibility between the safe and orderly development of civil aviation and the quality of the human environment. Annex 16 dealing with various aspects of aircraft noise problems was adopted in 1971 on the basis of recommendations of the 1969 Special Meeting on Aircraft Noise in the Vicinity of Aerodromes.

These aspects included: procedures for describing and measuring aircraft noise; human tolerance to aircraft noise; aircraft noise certification; criteria for establishment of aircraft noise abatement procedures; land use control; and ground run-up noise abatement procedures. Shortly after this meeting, the Committee on Aircraft Noise (CAN) was established to assist ICAO in the development of noise certification requirements for different classes of aircraft. The first meeting of this committee developed the first amendment to Annex 16, which became applicable in 1973 and included noise certification of future production and derived versions of subsonic jet aeroplanes.

During subsequent meetings, the Committee on Aircraft Noise developed noise certification standards for future subsonic jet aeroplanes and propeller-driven aeroplanes, and for future production of existing supersonic transport aeroplane types and helicopters. It also developed guidelines for noise certification of future supersonic and propellerdriven STOL (short take-off and landing) aeroplanes as well as installed APUs (auxiliary power-units) and associated aircraft systems when operating on the ground. A resolution adopted by the ICAO Assembly in 1971 led to specific action on the question of engine emissions and detailed proposals for ICAO Standards for the control of engine emissions from certain types of aircraft engines. 


  • Noise certification shall be granted or validated by the State of Registry of an aircraft on the basis of satisfactory evidence that the aircraft complies with requirements that are atleast equal to applicable Standards in this Annex.
  • If noise re-certification is requested, it shall be granted or validated by the State of Registry.
  • The documents showing noise certifications shall be approved by the State of Registry and shall be required by that State to be carried on the Aircraft. 


 The documents attesting noise certification for an aircraft shall provide at least the following information:

  • Item 1. Name of State
  • Item 2. Title of the noise document. 
  • Item 3. Number of the document.
  • Item 4. Nationality or common mark and registration marks. 
  • Item 5. Manufacturer and manufacturer’s designation of aircraft. 
  • Item 6. Aircraft serial number. 
  • Item 7. Engine manufacturer, type and model. 
  • Item 8. Propeller type and model for propeller-driven aeroplanes. 
  • Item 9. Maximum take-off mass in kilograms. 
  • Item 10. Maximum landing mass, in kilograms, for certificates issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12 of this Annex.
  • Item 11. The chapter and section of this Annex according to which the aircraft was certificated.
  • Item 12. Additional modifications incorporated for the purpose of compliance with the applicable noise certification Standards. 
  • Item 13. The lateral/full-power noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12 of this Annex. 
  • Item 14. The approach noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 12 of this Annex. 
  • Item 15. The flyover noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12 of this Annex. 
  • Item 16. The overflight noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 6, 8 and 11 of this Annex. 
  • Item 17. The take-off noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 8 and 10 of this Annex. 
  • Item 18. Statement of compliance, including a reference to Annex 16, Volume I. 
  • Item 19. Date of issuance of the noise certification document.
  • Item 20. Signature of the officer issuing it. 


Contracting States shall recognize as valid a noise certification granted by another Contracting State provided that the requirements under which such certification was granted are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex.  

A Contracting State shall suspend or revoke the noise certification of an aircraft on its register if the aircraft ceases to comply with the applicable noise Standards. The State of Registry shall not remove the suspension of a noise certification or grant a new noise certification unless the aircraft is found, on reassessment, to comply with the applicable noise Standards.  
The amendment of this volume of the Annex to be used by a Contracting State shall be that which is applicable on the date of submission to that Contracting State for:  
  •  a Type Certificate in the case of a new type; or
  •  approval of a change in type design in the case of a derived version; or
  •  in either case, under an equivalent application procedure prescribed by the certificating authority of that Contracting State.  
 As each new edition and amendment of this Annex becomes applicable (according to Table A of the Foreword) it supersedes all previous editions and amendments.

The Standards of this chapter shall be applicable to all subsonic jet aeroplanes.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Helin Uysal

Table of Contents







In today world aviation has good rate of developmet ,during all these developing ,the commitee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP )has been discussed ‘’ the present and the future impact and trends of aircraft noise and aircraft enginee emissions. ‘’ There is Annex 16 for Enviromental Protection. I will try to approach only aircraft enginee emissions based on Annex 16 Volume 2 , Aircraft Engine Emissions informations.


            There are symbols are used in aircraft engine emissions and their meaning ;
    CO          Carbon monoxide
    Dp           The mass of any gaseous pollutant emitted during the reference emissions landing 
                    and take-off
 ‌   Fn                  Thrust in International Standart Atmosphere(ISA), sea level conditions,for the give
                    operating mode
    F˳˳           Rated thurst
    F*˳˳       Rated thrust with afterburning applied
    HC          Unburned hydrocarbons
    NO         Nitric oxide                                                 

    NO2       Nitrogen dioxide
    NOx       Oxides of nitrogen
    SN          Smoke Number
     ∏˳˳        Reference pressure ratio

 Aircraft engines produce emissions that are similar to other  emissions resulting from fossil fuel combustion.Aircraft emissions are unusual in that a significant proportion is emitted at altitude.These emissions give rise to important environmental concerns regarding their global impact and their effect on local air quality at ground level.
The Intergovermental Panel on  Climate Change (IPCC) prepared Special Report on Aviation and The Global Atmosphere to comprehensive assessment concerning aviation’s contribution to global atmospheric problem.Also Scientific Assessment Panel to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
In 1972, the United Nation Conference on Human Environment was held in Stockholm.The position of ICAO at this Conference was developed in assembly Resolution . This resolution was followed up by establishment of an ICAO Action Programme Regarding the Environmental.It was established to assist the Secretarial in ceratin tasks related to aircraft enginee emissions.As a result of the work of this , an ICAO circular entitled Control of Aircraft Engine Emissions was published in 1977.
At the second meeting of the committe on Aircraft Enginee Emissions held in May 1980.Proposals were made for material to be included in an ICAO Annex.There are two volume in that Annex. Volume 1 ’’ Aircraft Noise ‘’ and Volume 2 ‘’Aircraft Engine Emissions’’

Aircraft shall be so designed to prevent the intentional discharge into the atmosphere of liquid fuel from the fuel nozzle manifolds resulting from the process of engine shutdown following  normal flight or ground operations.

Sustainable alternative aviation jet fuels, have been identified as one of the key elements in helping achieve these enviromental protection.They are the only low-carbon fules available for aviation in the short to mid term. The airline industry has played and instrumental role in advancing technical certification for biofuels which can now be used on passenger flights.
All turbojets and turbofan engines,as further specified in 2.2 and 2.3 intended for propulsion only at subsonic speeds, except when certificating authorities make exemptions for ;
¨                       Specific engine types and derivative versions of such engines
¨                       A limited number of engines beyond the dates of applicability specified in 2.2 and 2.3
The following emissions shall be controlled for certification of aircraft engines :
Ø  Smoke
Ø  Gaseous emissions
      Unburned hydrocarbons (HC)
      Carbon monoxide (CO) and
      Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)









Aircraft engines produce emissions that are similar to other emissions resulting from fossil fuel combustion. However, aircraft emissions are unusual in that a significant proportion is emitted at altitude. These emissions give rise to important environmental concerns regarding their global impact and their effect on local air quality at ground level.A comprehensive assessment concerning aviation's contribution to global atmospheric problems is contained in the Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere, which was prepared at ICAO's request by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in collaboration with the Scientific Assessment Panel to the Montreal
 Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and was published in 1999. This told us inte

  1. that aircraft emit gases and particles which alter the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, trigger the formation of 
  2. condensation trails and may increase cirrus cloudiness, all of which contribute to climate change; and
  3. that aircraft are estimated to contribute about 3.5 per cent of the total radiative forcing (a measure of change in climate) by all human activities and that this percentage, which excludes the effects of possible changes in cirrus clouds, was projected to grow.

Aircraft are required to meet the environmental certification standards adopted by the Council of ICAO. These are contained in Annex 16 (Environmental Protection) to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. This Annex at present consists of two volumes, viz., Volume I: Aircraft Noise and Volume II: Aircraft Engine Emissions. These certification Standards have been designed
and are kept up to date in order to respond to concerns regarding environmental impact of aviation on
communities in the vicinity of airports as well as society at large.

More recently, ICAO, under the CAEP process, has undertaken an effort to establish medium and long-term environmental goals relating to three types of technologies, viz., noise, NOx, and fuel burn. In addition, assessments of environmental improvements expected from operational initiatives in the
medium and long term are also underway. This process is being led by panels of independent experts
to ensure transparency and involvement from all stakeholders. The purpose of this goal setting exercise is to provide stretch yet reasonable targets for industry R&D to aim at in cooperation with

In October 2010 the 37th Assembly (Resolution A37-19) requested the development of an ICAO
CO2 EmissionsXx Standard.On 11 July 2012, global aviation moved an important step closer to

establishing the worldwide Aircraft CO2Emissions Standard when the CAEP reached a unanimous
agreement on a CO2 metric system to underpin the CO2 Standard. For more details see this ICAO
fact sheet: "Aircraft CO2 Emissions Standard metric system​". And The Engine Fuel Venting and 
Exhaust Emissions certification requirements (14 CFR Part 34) apply to civil airplanes that are powered by aircraft gas turbine engines of the classes specified in the rule. The engines must have U.S. standard airworthiness certificates or foreign airworthiness certificates that are equivalent to 

U.S. standard airworthiness certificates.
U.S. manufactured gas turbine engines or foreign manufactured gas turbine engines that are installed in U.S. manufactured Part 23 or Part 25 aircraft must show compliance to the 14 CFR Part 34 fuel venting and exhaust emissions requirements. The people who are set to authorize emission certification is The Secretary of Transportation is mandated, by authority of Section 232 of the Clean Air Act (CAA), to "prescribe regulations to insure compliance with all standards prescribed ��� by the Administrator" (of the Environmental Protection Agency).

The EPA, similarly, gets its authority from Section 231 of the CAA that mandates EPA to determine
"the extent to which such emissions affect air quality in air quality regions throughout the United States," and "the technological feasibility of controlling such emissions."

The EPA sets the Emissions Standards and FAA sets and administers the Certification Requirements for aircraft and engines to demonstrate compliance with the Emissions Standards.

In addition, Section 233 of the CAA prohibits states and local communities from setting their own

Zeynep AVCI



Structure of the Atmosphere:

      The atmosphere is an envelope of air that surrounds the Earth and rests upon its surface. It is as much a part of the Earth as the seas or the land, but air differs from land and water as it is a mixture of gases. It has mass, weight, and indefinite shape. The atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent other gases, such as argon or helium. Some of these elements are heavier than others. The heavier elements, such as oxygen, settle to the surface of the Earth, while the lighter elements are lifted up to the region of higher altitude. Most of the atmosphere’s oxygen is contained below 35,000 feet altitude.

Internatıonal Standard Atmosphere:

     The Internatıonal Standard Atmosphere (ISA) is an atmospheric model of how the pressure, temperature, density, and viscocity of the Earth's atmosphere change over a wide range of altitude or elevations. It has been established to provide a common reference for temperature and pressure and consist of tables of values at various altitudes , plus some formulas by which those values were derived. The international Organization for Standardization (ISO) publishes the ISA as an international standard, ISO 2533:1975. Other  standards organizations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the United States Government, publish extensions or subsets of the same atmospheric model under their own standard-makig authority.
         The ISA model divides the atmosphere into layers with linear temparature distributions. The other values are computed from basic physical constant and relationship. Thus the standard consist of a table of values at various altitudes , plus some formulas by which those values were derived. For example, at sea level the standard gives a pressure of 1013.25 hPa and a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, and initial lapse rate of - 6.5 C /km. The tabulation continues to 11 km where the pressure has fallen to 226.32 hPa and the temperature to -56.5C/km. Between 11 km and 20 km the temperature remains constant.

International Standard Atmosphere  (ISA) and Pressure Setting:

          Based on the International Standard Atmosphere for dry air (ICAO 1964), which is defined as under; 
1. At mean sea level (msl), the pressure= 1013.25 hPa and temperature= 15.0 degC

2.From msl to 11 km, a decrease in temperature (or lapse rate) of 6.5 degC/km

3.From 11 km to 20 km, the temperature is  held to be isothermal (not changing) at a value of -56.5 degC

4.From 20 km to 32 km, an increase in temperature of about 1 degC/km


For practical aviation purposes , İ.E Flight Weather Charts, the following relationships are used:

       ( Below F050, height usually expressed in altitude , above mean sea level , rather than pressure altitude - see definitions below )

                            PRESSURE SETTING DEFINITIONS;

 The pressure corrected to the official airfield elavation. An altimeter set to the particular aifield QFE reads zero when an aircraft is on the ground (strictly the height of the altimeter above the ground ) In the circuit, the height idicated is the height above official airfield datum.

The pressure reduced to mean sea level, assuming ISA TEMPERATURE PROFILE from the station /airfield  to MSL. An altimeter set to the airfield  QNH reads the elevation of the airfield when on the ground

Barometric pressure reduced to mean sea level , assuming AN ISOTHERMAL ATMOSPHERE from the airfield/ station to MSL, using current (screen) temperatures.The difference between QFF and QNH can be considerable when atmospheric conditions are significantly different from ISA : i.e at 'hot and high' airfields.

When the ISA mean sea level standard pressure of 1013.2 hPa is set on an aircraft altimeter subscale, the height so indicated upon landing at an airfield is known as the 
QNE reading. More widely, this is also the PRESSURE ALTITUDE , which is  alternatively defined as the height of any level in the international standard atmosphere (ISA-see above), above the level corresponding to a pressure of 1013.2 hPa


Standard Atmosphere Modeling:

        For purposes of pressure altimeter celibrations, aircraft and rocket performance and their design, and so forth, knowledge of the vertical distribution of such quantities as pressure ,temperature, density and speed of sound is required. Since the real atmosphere never remains constant at any particular time or place, a hypothetical model must be employed as an approximation to what may be expected. This model is known as the standard atmosphere. The air in the model is assumed to be devoid of dust, moisture, and water vapor and to be  at rest with respect to the Earth.
       The first standard atmospheric models were developed in the 1920's in both Europe and the United States. The slight differences between the models were reconciled and an internationally accepted model was introduced in 1952 by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The International Standard Atmosphere is defined in ICAO Document 7488/2. The ISA assumes the mean sea level (MSL) conditions

Temperature Modeling:


 Pressure Modeling :

         To calculate the standard pressure p at a given altitude, the temperature is assumed standard, and the air is assumed as a perfect gas. The altitude obtained from the measurement of the pressure is called pressure altitude (PA). 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Erkut Tatlısu

Aircraft Noise Definitons and Chapter 1

My topic is that VOLUME 1; Aircraft Noise Definitions and Chapter 1
I will describe the Aircraft Noise Definitons and Chapter 1

Aeroplane. A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

Aircraft. Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.

Associated aircraft systems. Those aircraft systems drawing electrical/pneumatic power from an auxiliary power unit during ground operations.

Auxiliary power-unit (APU). A self-contained power-unit on an aircraft providing electrical/pneumatic power to aircraft systems during ground operations.

Bypass ratio. The ratio of the air mass flow through the bypass ducts of a gas turbine engine to the air mass flow through the combustion chambers calculated at maximum thrust when the engine is stationary in an international standard atmosphere at sea level.

Derived version of a helicopter. A helicopter which, from the point of view of airworthiness, is similar to the noise certificated prototype but incorporates changes in type design which may affect its noise characteristics adversely.

      Note 1.— In applying the Standards of this Annex, a helicopter that is based on an existing prototype but which is considered by the certificating authority to be a new type design for airworthiness purposes shall nevertheless be considered as a derived version if the noise source characteristics are judged by the certificating authority to be the same as the prototype.
      Note 2.— “Adversely” refers to an increase of more than 0.30 EPNdB in any one of the noise certification levels for helicopters certificated according to Chapter 8 and 0.30 dB(A) in the certification level for helicopters certificated according to Chapter 11.

Derived version of an aeroplane. An aeroplane which, from the point of view of airworthiness, is similar to the noise certificated prototype but incorporates changes in type design which may affect its noise characteristics adversely.

       Note 1.— Where the certificating authority finds that the proposed change in design, configuration, power or mass is so extensive that a substantially new investigation of compliance with the applicable airworthiness regulations is required, the aeroplane should be considered to be a new type design rather than a derived version.
       Note 2.— “Adversely” refers to an increase of more than 0.10 dB in any one of the noise certification levels unless the cumulative effects of changes in type design are tracked by an approved procedure in which case “adversely” refers to a cumulative increase in the noise level in any one of the noise certification levels of more than 0.30 dB or the margin of compliance, whichever is smaller.

External equipment (helicopter). Any instrument, mechanism, part, apparatus, appurtenance, or accessory that is attached to or extends from the helicopter exterior but is not used nor is intended to be used for operating or controlling a helicopter in
flight and is not part of an airframe or engine.

Helicopter. A heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on one or more power-driven rotors on substantially vertical axes.

Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.

Recertification. Certification of an aircraft with or without a revision to its certification noise levels, to a Standard different to that to which it was originally certificated.

Self-sustaining powered sailplane. A powered aeroplane with available engine power which allows it to maintain level flight but not to take off under its own power.

State of Design. The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the type design.

Subsonic aeroplane. An aeroplane incapable of sustaining level flight at speeds exceeding flight Mach number of 1.
Czech subsonic multi-role combat aircraft Aero L-159 Alca.

Type Certificate. A document issued by a Contracting State to define the design of an aircraft type and to certify that this design meets the appropriate airworthiness requirements of that State.


1.1 The provisions of 1.2 to 1.6 shall apply to all aircraft included in the classifications defined for noise certification purposes in Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12 of this part where such aircraft are engaged in international air navigation.

1.2 Noise certification shall be granted or validated by the State of Registry of an aircraft on the basis of satisfactory evidence that the aircraft complies with requirements that are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex.

1.3 If noise recertification is requested, it shall be granted or validated by the State of Registry of an aircraft on the basis of satisfactory evidence that the aircraft complies with requirements that are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex. The date used by a certificating authority to determine the recertification basis shall be the date of acceptance of the first application for recertification.

1.4 The documents attesting noise certification shall be approved by the State of Registry and shall be required by that State to be carried on the aircraft.

Note.— See Annex 6, Part I, 6.13, concerning the translation into English of documents attesting noise certification.

1.5 The documents attesting noise certification for an aircraft shall provide at least the following information:
Item 1. Name of State.
Item 2. Title of the noise document.
Item 3. Number of the document.
Item 4. Nationality or common mark and registration marks.
Item 5. Manufacturer and manufacturer’s designation of aircraft.
Item 6. Aircraft serial number.
Item 7. Engine manufacturer, type and model.
Item 8. Propeller type and model for propeller-driven aeroplanes.
Item 9. Maximum take-off mass in kilograms.
Item 10. Maximum landing mass, in kilograms, for certificates issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12 of this Annex.
Item 11. The chapter and section of this Annex according to which the aircraft was certificated.
Item 12. Additional modifications incorporated for the purpose of compliance with the applicable noise certification Standards.
Item 13. The lateral/full-power noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12 of this Annex.
Item 14. The approach noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 12 of this Annex.
Item 15. The flyover noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12 of this Annex.
Item 16. The overflight noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 6, 8 and 11 of this Annex.
Item 17. The take-off noise level in the corresponding unit for documents issued under Chapters 8 and 10 of this Annex.
Item 18. Statement of compliance, including a reference to Annex 16, Volume I.
Item 19. Date of issuance of the noise certification document.
Item 20. Signature of the officer issuing it.

1.6 Item headings on the noise certification documents shall be uniformly numbered in Arabic numerals, as indicated in 1.5, so that on any noise certification document the number will, under any arrangement, refer to the same item heading, except where the information in Items 1 through 6 and Items 18 through 20 is given in the certificate of airworthiness, in which case the numbering system of the certificate of airworthiness according to Annex 8 shall prevail.

1.7 An administrative system for implementation of noise certification documentation shall be developed by the State of Registry.

Note.— See Attachment G for guidance on the format and structure of noise certification documentation.

1.8 Contracting States shall recognize as valid a noise certification granted by another Contracting State provided that the requirements under which such certification was granted are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex.

1.9 A Contracting State shall suspend or revoke the noise certification of an aircraft on its register if the aircraft ceases to comply with the applicable noise Standards. The State of Registry shall not remove the suspension of a noise certification or grant a new noise certification unless the aircraft is found, on reassessment, to comply with the applicable noise Standards.

1.10 The amendment of this volume of the Annex to be used by a Contracting State shall be that which is applicable on the date of submission to that Contracting State for:
a) a Type Certificate in the case of a new type; or
b) approval of a change in type design in the case of a derived version; or
c) in either case, under an equivalent application procedure prescribed by the certificating authority of that Contracting State.

Note.— As each new edition and amendment of this Annex becomes applicable (according to Table A of the Foreword) it supersedes all previous editions and amendments.

1.11 Unless otherwise specified in this volume of the Annex, the date to be used by Contracting States in determining the applicability of the Standards in this Annex shall be the date the application for a Type Certificate was submitted to the State of Design, or the date of submission under an equivalent application procedure prescribed by the certificating authority of the State of Design.

1.12 For derived versions where the provisions governing the applicability of the Standards of this Annex refer to “the application for the certification of the change in type design”, the date to be used by Contracting States in determining the applicability of the Standards in this Annex shall be the date the application for the change in type design was submitted to the Contracting State that first certified the change in type design, or the date of submission under an equivalent application procedure prescribed by the certificating authority of the Contracting State that first certified the change in type design.

Note 1.— Unless otherwise specified in this volume of the Annex, the edition of the Environmental Technical Manual (Doc 9501), Volume I — Procedures for the Noise Certification of Aircraft, to be used as guidance on the use of acceptable means of compliance and equivalent procedures by a Contracting State should be that which is in effect on the date the application for a Type Certificate or the change in type design is submitted to that Contracting State.

Note 2.— The means of compliance and the use of equivalent procedures are subject to the acceptance of the certificating authority of the Contracting State.

1.13 An application shall be effective for the period specified in the designation of the airworthiness regulations appropriate to the aircraft type, except in special cases where the certificating authority accepts an extension of this period. When this period of effectivity is exceeded, the date to be used in determining the applicability of the Standards in this Annex shall be the date of issue of the Type Certificate or approval of the change in type design, or the date of issue of approval under an equivalent procedure prescribed by the State of Design, less the period of effectivity.